Anyone interested in physics simulation and processing has probably heard of the amazing toxiclibs library that includes a powerful 2D and 3D physics system (among many other tasty bits and pieces). Recently I had a need to directly integrate particles and springs between processing and Rhino. Since the results were quite effective (compared to my short ventures in kangaroo) I thought I'd share my basic method.
No Library Found For Hypermedianet Processing
how do i get this setup, i opened the sketch in Processing and it's looking for a library that I asssume is in the Toxic i need to copy all the folders in the library from toxiclabs into the processing library folder?
No library found for toxi.physics2dNo library found for toxi.physics2d.behaviorsNo library found for hypermedia.netLibraries must be installed in a folder named 'libraries' inside the 'sketchbook' folder."
Firstly I need to point out that the NodeMCU pin numbers on the board DO NOT match up with the digital pin numbering when using the Arduino IDE. The Labels for GPIO number in the image below show how the NodeMCU pin number corresponds to digital and anlogue pin numbering in the Arduino IDE. Secondly you will need to install WiFiUDP library for arduino and the UDP library for processing.